artistic, liberal tablangs only

Saturday, February 21, 2004

ALTO? what do you think? an interesting code word that we can throw around if we find ourselves around the family... hah hah. by the way, i can change the address of the blog from to something else. unfortunately, is taken.

recommended book i've been reading: if you want to write by brenda ueland. a quote:

at last i understood from william blake and van gogh...writing was this: an impulse to share with other people a feeling or truth that i myself had. not to preach to them, but to give it to them if they cared to hear it. if they did not - fine.

when i learned this i could write freely and jovially and not feel contracted and guilty about being such a conceited ass; and not feel driven to work by grim resolution, by jaw-grinding ambition to succeed, like some of those success-driven business men who, in their concern with action and egoistic striving, forget all about love and the imagination, and become sooner or later emotionally arthritic and spiritually as calcified and uncreative as mummies (i understand these things because i have experienced them...)

yes, it has made me like working to see that writing is not a performance but a generosity.


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