artistic, liberal tablangs only

Saturday, February 21, 2004

hi guys,
first off, please pray for DJ, bridgette's sis, who's having complications from her pregnancy. how is she doing now?

ok, now to the subject of my email. you guys are a special group of people in the family. whether you would like to participate or not, i have deemed you a group worthy of "naming" via this email.

you may wonder why so grand an intro. as you know, in our family there's been a growing sub-group of those who refuse to do the med school thing. or you are still on the edge of embarking on your journey. each of you i've been emailing separately over a few years about the same tablang issues - doing what you love and being who you really are vs. doing what family wants us to do. or it's been a subtext.

personally, i had been on the brink of re-applying to med school and all that. i have decided (as some of you know) to say, yes, FUCK med school !!! hell no, I won't go!!! no way!!! no more brainwashing !!! ha ha!

of course, not bashing our relatives who have supported us in many ways - or not - who are medical professionals. but the point is, i think we ought to have a strong a presence in the family.

anyway, i got this idea that it would be great to get together with you, my brilliant literary, artistic, liberal cousins once a year, or every other in some inspiring destination. and, if one of us cannot afford it, that we'd sponsor someone on our trip. i will be going to paris (my 3rd time) to celebrate my newfound freedom, and to write. it'd be great for my 4th time to be with you guys. or we could go to spain like barcelona, or even the philippines... m.jopie and i had an amazing time in bohol a couple years ago, and i'd LOVE to go back.

also, i thought of experimenting with a blog where we can post on to update the others. you can find it an example at my blog, you can write as bizarrely as i tend to at times or just update on your life... whatever you want. i found you can have many people contribute to one blog, for free through my site provider blogspot, a really nice feature.

tell me what you think of that! i hope you will think that's a great idea. we don't have to do anything about it right now, just something to think about. i know that when i go away to places with friends who live and think as intensely as i know all of you do, it motivates me more to live more and love more.

if there's anyone else who you think should be included, let me know.

finally, let me know what you guys are up to! please reply all on the email - or post it here.


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